Chiunque e' da queste parti a NYC e' fortemente consigliato di partecipare all'evento qui sotto, che tratta di temi che a noi stanno personalmente a cuore.
Ronaldo, uno dei fondatori di Creative Commons (aveva 25 anni quando il tutto parti' e coordino' il progetto per il Brasile), oltre a essere uno dei miei migliori amici e una persona di una simpatia coinvolgente, e' anche un genio. Ne' piu', ne' meno. Ed e' riuscito addirittura a sconfessare Morrissey. E a farmi conoscere i Guided By Voices. Ci si vede giovedi' a NYU, back to the lake.
Sept 20, 4:30-6:30PM, 245 Sullivan (Room 210) [NYU School of Law]
"From Legal Commons to Social Commons: Brazil and the Cultural Industry in the 21st Century"
Speaker: Ronaldo Lemos
Professor of Law and Coordinator of the Center for Technology and Society
Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Social Versus legal commons: contrasts between Colombia and Brazil"
Ana Maria Ochoa Gautier, Associate Professor, Music Department, NYU. Professor Gautier works on issues of music, circulation of sound and cultural policy. She is currently conducting research on alternative modes of music production in Colombia.
"Majority Rules? The Multinational Recording Industry versus Developing Musical Economies"
Sam Howard-Spink, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU. Howard-Spink, North America Editor of Music & Copyright magazine conducts research in the political economy of global IP regimes, musical industries and practices, globalization and cultural hybridization. Brazil is a central aspect of his dissertation research.
Cosponsored by the Information Law Institute, Humanities Council, Department of Media Culture and Communication, and Music Department, NYU.
"From Legal Commons to Social Commons: Brazil and the Cultural Industry in the 21st Century"
Speaker: Ronaldo Lemos
Professor of Law and Coordinator of the Center for Technology and Society
Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Social Versus legal commons: contrasts between Colombia and Brazil"
Ana Maria Ochoa Gautier, Associate Professor, Music Department, NYU. Professor Gautier works on issues of music, circulation of sound and cultural policy. She is currently conducting research on alternative modes of music production in Colombia.
"Majority Rules? The Multinational Recording Industry versus Developing Musical Economies"
Sam Howard-Spink, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU. Howard-Spink, North America Editor of Music & Copyright magazine conducts research in the political economy of global IP regimes, musical industries and practices, globalization and cultural hybridization. Brazil is a central aspect of his dissertation research.
Cosponsored by the Information Law Institute, Humanities Council, Department of Media Culture and Communication, and Music Department, NYU.
dj cottoleta! sei anche un genio, mi hai fatto conoscere Elio (servi della gleba!).
RispondiEliminaGrazie, ma mi sa che non mi basta per diventare capo del governo, cosa che tu diventerai entro una decina d'anni. Anche per merito di Rob Pollard.