She: what kind of law do you specialize in?
I: space law
S: space law?
I: i am selling slots in the various planets
S: wait what?! are you joking? I’ve never heard such a thing
I: don’t you know that wealthy people buy real estate in other planets? some places are cheaper than earth, but you can start going only in 2040 or so. so they plan for their children
S: no way. really?
I: yeah. i am working on a pretty complex saturn deal. apparently these days, the smaller ring in saturn is where everybody wants to go
S: so crazy. i can't believe what i am hearing. i always thought that was always a joke. a myth. isn't it all gases?
I: correct. and that's the cool thing about it: scientists just figured out that you can launch houses, i mean prefabricated houses, to float on those gases. and they would spin on and on and on. so the wealthiest are getting nuts about it. you would not believe how many big names are lining up to get one. hard thing for me is to rethink real property law when the fucking house is moving...
S: how would you get food? or hospital? or even meet up with a friend?
I: in 2040?
S: yes!
I: human lives will be very different. food will not be such a big thing anymore. the hospitals thing won't be a biggie either. you can always come and go. obviously flying there costs a fortune: from motherland saturn to the inner ring, a flight is about 1.5 million dollars.... so you gotta be very rich, but you would not believe who is in line to get spaces there. as to meeting with friends, i don’t know - i guess if you are a guy like steve jobs you have already lost all your friends.
Inspiral Carpets - Saturn 5 (video)
I: space law
S: space law?
I: i am selling slots in the various planets
S: wait what?! are you joking? I’ve never heard such a thing
I: don’t you know that wealthy people buy real estate in other planets? some places are cheaper than earth, but you can start going only in 2040 or so. so they plan for their children
S: no way. really?
I: yeah. i am working on a pretty complex saturn deal. apparently these days, the smaller ring in saturn is where everybody wants to go
S: so crazy. i can't believe what i am hearing. i always thought that was always a joke. a myth. isn't it all gases?
I: correct. and that's the cool thing about it: scientists just figured out that you can launch houses, i mean prefabricated houses, to float on those gases. and they would spin on and on and on. so the wealthiest are getting nuts about it. you would not believe how many big names are lining up to get one. hard thing for me is to rethink real property law when the fucking house is moving...
S: how would you get food? or hospital? or even meet up with a friend?
I: in 2040?
S: yes!
I: human lives will be very different. food will not be such a big thing anymore. the hospitals thing won't be a biggie either. you can always come and go. obviously flying there costs a fortune: from motherland saturn to the inner ring, a flight is about 1.5 million dollars.... so you gotta be very rich, but you would not believe who is in line to get spaces there. as to meeting with friends, i don’t know - i guess if you are a guy like steve jobs you have already lost all your friends.
Inspiral Carpets - Saturn 5 (video)
mi sa che qualcuno nella redazione di repubblica ha letto il tuo post
RispondiEliminaPiù che andare su Marte o Saturno, io vorrei andare al mare.
RispondiEliminaAnzi, questo fine settimana vado al mare, da amici a Moneglia (non da Hassan), o in campagna, da me, o al lago.
So che non c'entra niente col post, il blog e questo commento cozza con la raffinata perizia con cui vengono inanellati i post dai due miei amati autori, e me ne scuso. Mi sia concessa per una volta però la possibilità di sfogare tutta la voglia di aria, mare, vita, con mediterranea solarità.
Vedo fanciulle, donne, madri con piacevolissime gonne e canotte di ogni tipo, gente che si vuole bene e che si stringe nell'abbraccio di questo caldo che tutto sciogle in amore e fratellanza. Mi viene voglia di abbracciare tutti, belli e brutti.
Mi ricordo una vecchia canzone che faceva così:
Maaare, uooohho,
seduta stante,
Maaare, uooohho,
Era di uno di quegli autori come Piero Focaccia, vittime della stessa estate e della stessa spiaggia che cantavano nei primi juke-box della riviera viareggina.
Sao Café
Sao, questo tuo commento mi ha commosso. Quanta poesia nel tuo piccolo grande corpicino abruzzese. La canzone "Mare" e' alle soglie del decennale. Mi aspetto di sentirne una cover celebrativa da parte degli Weezer al piu' presto.
RispondiEliminaE comunque, visto che non hai ancora deciso se optare per mare, campagna o lago, io ti ricordo che sono a New York, che e' maledettamente a buon mercato per voi europei e che mi farebbe piacere averti qui a strimpellare un fretless bass.
RispondiEliminaanche a casa mia ti hanno preso sul serio...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.